When you donate, you help us continue to concentrate on our areas of focus.
Thank you.
Meeting the Needs of the Community
DECEMBER 2018 We brought a little joy to groups of Barbudan children at Christmas by donating various toys and gifts sent from the Barbudan diaspora all over the world.
MARCH 2019 TBF is officially registered as a Limited Company in Antigua and Barbuda.
JUNE 2019 We launched our first venture the Living Off Our Land: Organic Farming Initiative in the first with the following objectives: 1) Introduce a globally-tested organic backyard farming approach to the community of Barbuda; 2) Increase participation of interested Barbudans in organic farming and its holistic benefits; 3) Increase sensitization and involvement of youth in agricultural-based learning, particularly in organic agriculture; and 4) Increase resources for farmers in Barbuda, including training, to help restore and redefine their agricultural outputs, promoting both self-sustainability and export potential. We meet with the Barbuda Council and lead a well supported Village Meeting to spread the word.
JULY 2019 We partnered with the Antigua and Barbuda Red Cross, Australian High Commission in Trinidad, the Accenture Trust alongside the UK High Commission of Antigua and Barbuda who collectively donated funds of $150, 000 USD to renovate and build state of the art and more importantly hurricane proofed Basketball and Tennis courts will impact generations of sporting and health aware Barbudans.
AUGUST 2019 We successfully supported the Barbuda Council’s Councillor for Agriculture, Kendra Beazer in a Recycling and Composting program grant proposal to the Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award, which will positively impact the island on many levels as this project is ongoing.
We launched the Barbudan Community Matters initiative, which with the help of community nominations targeted 10 Barbudan households who are most in need of support in their daily lives, giving them access to $400 XCD towards their household expenses because every little helps with funding from the “Stronger Together Fundraising for the Caribbean Islands”, based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, with the aim of assisting households in Barbuda following the passage of Hurricane Irma.
OCTOBER 2019 As part of the International Community Foundation funded Living Off Our Land project, TBF meets with the Antiguan based Community Development Division so that they can partner with us on the project. "It's good to get everyone up to speed on what TBF have accomplished so far, CDD said that they fully endorse our project which is great to hear but we know we have lots of work to do! We are ready!" Jenita Cuffy Co-Founder and Trustee
We present much-needed school supplies to Barbuda's inspirational educators at Holy Trinity Primary School. Donations were received from #TBFTrustees, Sunwing Vacations, the Antigua and Barbuda Emergency Relief Fund, Canada and the Barbuda Social Group, UK. We always try to positively impact the children of Barbudas' education in a big way. Thank you all.
NOVEMBER 2019 We start work on Big Love Buda, a two-year initiative sponsored by the Caribbean Development Bank to TBF, through a partnership with the Directorate of Gender Affairs. The project is facilitated by the Project Implementation Management Unit of the Ministry of Public Works, as the coordinating agency for CDB’s ‘Natural Disaster Management – Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Loan (Hurricane Irma) over the two-year initiative, TBF will receive $135,000 XCD to lead capacity building, institutional strengthening, youth engagement, men and boys engagement, and public awareness interventions rooted in ending gender-based violence in Barbuda.
Our Living Off Our Land participants experience their first in-field session and spend some time learning the theory and planning in the classroom around organic farming.
FEBRUARY 2020 TBF launches Big Love Buda on which aims to bring Barbudans together to focus on the island’s empowerment while addressing issues of gender-based violence. The launch event was attended by residents of Barbuda and broadcast live on Facebook by the Barbuda Channel; the effort will introduce parallel services to those offered to survivors of gender-based violence in Antigua, all while engaging Barbudans in positive, community empowerment initiatives.
TBF hosts a free movie premiere night of the film 'Sustainable' based on Chef Rick Bayless’ story as he shares his experience of farming and the history leading to the sustainable food movement and the power it holds in revolutionizing what we eat in the future.
Equity, Equality & Human Rights
JULY 2019 We collaborated with the Barbuda Relief Network (BRN) to deliver their Girl Power Tech inaugural training to young women in education that were generously sponsored by multinational technology conglomerate Cisco Systems.
AUGUST 2019 TBF receives a kind donation from Stronger Together Fundraising for the Caribbean Islands, based in Montreal, Quebec, #Canada, with the aim of assisting households in Barbuda following the passage of Hurricane Irma. We ask our #TBFTrustees for nominations from the Barbudan community, diaspora and friends of Barbuda via our Facebook page, to help us choose households that that could be supported with their day to day living expenses, helping to make life just a little bit easier. We worked with three local stores on the island to issue food vouchers to each household. The #BarbudanCommunityMatters initiative is born.
SEPTEMBER 2019 we collaborated with fellow Barbudan NGO's BarbudaNGO and the Barbuda Relief Network and the Antigua Barbuda Red Cross to raise awareness of the threat of global climate change, showing our solidarity with climate change activist Greta Thunberg and concerned humans around the world who will be protesting world leaders in a Global Climate Strike https://globalclimatestrike.net. We are proud to be a part of such a high-profile act of activism and hope to raise awareness about the plight of our small island and the impact that global pollution has on us in the Caribbean.
MARCH 2020 We were invited to be a part of a panel for the Commonwealth Day celebrations at London Borough of Waltham Forest. Co-Founder and Trustee Annette Henry talked about our projects on Barbuda and our partnership with the Waltham Forest, Antigua & Barbuda and Dominica Twinning Association.
APRIL 2020 We launched and help organize an Emergency #Coronavirus Appeal for Barbuda with the Barbuda Council, Barbuda’s Health Department, BarbudaNGO and Red Cross Antigua Barbuda in collective response to the global pandemic.
JUNE 2020 As part of the Emergency #Coronavirus Appeal TBF raised funds to provide much-needed food vouchers that will help to support the most vulnerable members of our community in these unprecedented times helping a targeted group of mothers with children aged 0-1 as guided by Barbuda Health Department health professionals as part of our #BarbudanCommunityMatters campaigns.
We continued our Big Love Buda campaign inline with Covid-19 lockdown measures and took our operations online. We continued the collaboration with the Directorate of Gender Affairs, Antigua Barbuda, through a COVID-19 Self-love & Survival Challenge, which was centred around social media posts that took our audiences on a journey into self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love as we faced these unprecedented times together. The content included vital information about DoGA services and had videos from both teams talking frankly about their experiences of the pandemic to start discussions and highlight the support on offer virtually for those affected by gender-based violence.